Friday, July 9, 2010

"just because" and my "Favorite" Nieces

Honestly, where does time go? I am pondering that question as I write this!  It seems like i've had NO time to make a post or even update my facebook status. :)  I've decided to put up a "just because" post today and share a few of my recent favorite pics i've taken.  I have been running around crazy lately preparing myself and getting ready for the wedding i'll be shooting in 2 weeks!  I'm super excited!  Me and Ben are going to a lighting seminar tomorrow and i'm really excited- so much to always learn in the photography world and so many things to add to my wish list of things to buy!

We are now looking at new lighting set to bring along to wedding receptions that i'm super excited about - now just to save up the $2300 to get it! :)

We've added to our collection of photography equipment 2 brand new pocketwizards that are amazing and i'm very excited to use at the upcoming wedding. We've also joined online Pictage a website that you can view your pictures on and purchase online from. However since i've signed on with Pictage I've read many mixed reviews from other photographers and may be making a switch-a-roo to Zenfolio same services but would cost us a LOT less!  Give me feedback if you get a chance and look at my pictage slideshows or gallery- is it difficult to use?, etc. I'd love to hear the feedback! :)  (a link to my "favorite" nieces photoshoot). - Had to throw that in there since i was voted Lianna's "favorite Auntie" :) I'll gladly accept that title!

Have a great Friday!!!